How Do I Claim My Ex-Husband’s Superannuation

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how do i claim my ex husband's superannuation | Walker Pender

Dividing assets after a divorce is rarely simple, and superannuation entitlements can be especially tricky.  Are you entitled to a portion of your ex-husband’s superannuation? How do you claim it? 

This blog post provides clear answers, practical tips, and a step-by-step guide to help secure your financial future.

Am I entitled to any of my ex-husband’s superannuation?

Yes, you are potentially entitled to a portion of your ex-husband’s superannuation following a divorce or separation in Australia. Superannuation is a property asset under the Family Law Act 1975 and can be divided between partners by agreement or court order.

The actual share you may receive from your ex-husband’s superannuation depends on various factors, including both parties’ ages, contributions to the super accounts, length of the relationship, care of children, current wages, and future earning capabilities. The process involves obtaining current valuations of your and your ex-partner’s superannuation and may require legal proceedings if you cannot reach an agreement.

If an agreement is reached, it can be formalized through a court consent order or a binding financial agreement. If no agreement can be reached, you may need to apply to the court to have the asset pool divided justly and equitably, considering all relevant factors.

Remember, the superannuation division doesn’t convert it to cash immediately; it remains within the super system until you meet a condition of release. 

Also read: How to Protect Superannuation in Divorce

Factors the Court Considers

  1. Length of the Relationship: Longer relationships generally give rise to a stronger claim to superannuation splitting.
  2. Contributions: Both financial and non-financial contributions are considered. This includes:
    • Direct financial contributions to the superannuation fund
    • Homemaking and child-rearing contributions
    • Contributions as a primary caregiver for elderly or ill family members
  3. Future Needs: The Court examines factors such as:
    • Age and health of each party
    • Earning capacity of each party
    • The presence of children and their responsibilities to them
    • Whether there is a significant disparity in superannuation balances

How is the split of superannuation determined during a divorce?

The superannuation split during a divorce in Australia is determined based on several factors to ensure this asset’s fair and equitable division. Here’s a general overview of how the process typically unfolds:

The division is guided by the Family Law Act 1975, which treats superannuation as property that can be divided between parties in a divorce. These laws apply to married and de facto couples in most of Australia, although the rules for de facto couples in Western Australia differ slightly.

If you and your ex-husband reach an agreement, it is considered legally binding and should outline the details of the superannuation split. It’s a more flexible alternative to court orders. If you and your ex-husband cannot agree, the Family Court can issue one specifying how the superannuation should be split. This is often a last resort.

Each divorce case is unique, and the determination of how superannuation is split will depend on the individual circumstances of the relationship and separation.

Given the complexity and significant financial implications, seeking legal advice is advisable to navigate this process effectively.

Also read: How is Property Divided in a Divorce

What are the steps involved in claiming my ex-husband’s superannuation?

The process of claiming a portion of your ex-husband’s superannuation during a divorce involves several key steps, and it’s essential to handle this matter correctly to ensure you receive your entitled share.

Here’s a general outline of the steps involved:

  1. Valuation of Superannuation Interests: Firstly, you need to know the value of the superannuation interests that are to be divided. This involves obtaining current statements and, if necessary, getting a formal valuation, especially if the superannuation is in a self-managed super fund or has complex features.
  2. Information Gathering: You have the legal right to obtain information about your ex-husband’s superannuation through a process outlined by the Family Law Act. You can request this information directly from the super fund or, in some cases, through court procedures if necessary.
  3. Agreement or Court Order: If you and your ex-husband can agree on splitting the superannuation, you can formalize this agreement through a financial agreement or by obtaining consent orders from the court. If you cannot agree, you may need to apply to the court for orders.
  4. Implementing the Agreement or Court Order: Once an agreement is reached or a court order is obtained, the superannuation fund needs to be notified to implement the split. This involves providing the necessary documentation to the super fund to enact the division according to the terms agreed upon or ordered by the court.
  5. Legal and Financial Advice: Throughout this process, it’s crucial to obtain legal and financial advice to understand your rights, the implications of the split, and to ensure that all steps are completed correctly and in your best interest.
  6. Follow-Up: After the superannuation split is implemented, you should receive confirmation from the super fund. It’s essential to keep all records and documentation in case of future queries or issues.

It’s worth noting that each situation is unique, and the specific steps may vary based on individual circumstances, the type of super fund, and whether the process is amicable or contentious.

Always consult a legal professional specializing in family law to guide you through this complex process and protect your interests.

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What are the pros and cons of splitting super during a divorce?

Pros and cons of how superannuation splitting during a divorce can impact future retirement.


  1. Fair Distribution: Superannuation splitting allows for a fair distribution of assets accumulated during the relationship, ensuring both parties have resources for retirement.
  2. Financial Independence: It promotes financial independence post-divorce, as each party receives a portion of the superannuation to manage according to their retirement plans.
  3. Flexibility in Agreements: Couples can negotiate an agreement that suits their specific circumstances and future needs, potentially leading to more tailored retirement outcomes.
  4. Protection of Rights: The legal framework around superannuation splitting protects the rights of both parties, ensuring that the division is equitable and considers the long-term financial well-being of each individual.


  1. Complex Valuation Process: Valuing superannuation accurately can be complex and may require professional advice, adding to the cost and time involved in the divorce process.
  2. Impact on Retirement Savings: Splitting superannuation may reduce the funds available for an individual’s retirement, potentially affecting the quality of life.
  3. Legal and Administrative Costs: Splitting superannuation involves legal and administrative costs, which can further diminish the overall retirement savings.
  4. Long-term Financial Uncertainty: The division of superannuation may lead to long-term financial uncertainty, especially if the settlement does not adequately account for future needs or changes in circumstances.

Seeking a Fair Share: Superannuation Split After Divorce

A woman sought our help at Walker Pender to ensure she gets a portion of her ex-husband’s superannuation now that they are divorced. After careful assessment, we determined she had a strong claim due to the 12-year marriage and her significant contributions as a homemaker.

We guided her and her ex-husband through mediation, explaining the legal principles and potential outcomes. This facilitated open communication and, ultimately, led them to a mutually agreeable superannuation split. Our assistance formalized the agreement, ensuring it was legally binding and fair.

Secure Your Future with Walker Pender

When life takes unexpected turns, securing your financial future becomes paramount. At Walker Pender, we specialize in helping you navigate the complexities of claiming your rightful share of superannuation post-divorce.

Our dedicated team provides compassionate, expert advice to ensure you receive what you’re entitled to. Trust us to guide you through every step, empowering your next chapter. Your peace of mind starts here.

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